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dm-drogerie markt makes its debut in Poland. Its first store will open on April 21 in Wrocław.

dm-drogerie markt makes its debut in Poland. Its first store will open on April 21 in Wrocław.

Termin 21. April 2022 08:00 – 20:00

Ort Galaktyka Commercial Park at ul. Ślężna 130−134

Poland will be the 14th country in which dm will start its operations. dm is the largest drugstore retailer in Europe with a total of over 3,800 retail outlets. The company's Polish headquarters is located in Wrocław where the first store will open on April 21 at 8 a.m. in the Galaktyka Commercial Park at ul. Ślężna 130−134. dm is already starting communications with customers on social media.

“Poland is another, extremely interesting market in which we are happy to start our operations. We will offer Polish consumers more than 10,000 products at our „dm-Dauerpreis“ (reliably low prices) in our shop in Wrocław, many of which will also be available in our online shop at www.dm.pl and in the 'My dm' app”, says Markus Trojansky, General Manager for dm Poland.

The product range of dm includes a wide selection of face and body care products, health and hygiene products as well as cosmetics and perfume. Customers will also find a variety of food and household items, photo services and pet food. dm is known for its high-quality inhouse brands, which consumers have trusted for years, and which will now be available in Poland. These include Balea and alverde, the best-selling brand of certified natural cosmetics.

dm is known for its team of qualified employees who are happy to advise clients for their individual needs. The residents of Wrocław will have a chance to experience this service firsthand during the store opening on April 21. Users of the PAYBACK loyalty program will be able to take advantage of all its benefits when shopping at dm.

“Millions of customers already love dm products and we want to convince even more people of the quality of our offer. In order to be as close to them as possible, we open a number of new locations across Europe. We are already present in thirteen countries, which makes us one of the leading drugstore retailers on the continent. We want to respond to individual customer needs wherever we operate. Therefore, we offer both the best international products and those from regional producers in addition to our own brands. We are aware of the competition on the Polish market, but we also see great potential for ourselves. We believe that Polish customers will love our offer and our brands”, comments Trojansky.

About dm-drogerie markt
dm-drogerie markt operates a network of over 3,800 retail outlets employing more than 66,000 people across Europe. In the 2020/2021 financial year, dm posted sales of EUR 12.3 billion generated across all 13 European countries. Annual sales in Germany, generated by around 42,600 dm employees, came to EUR 9,04 billion in the same period. Offering a wide selection of facial and body care products, health and hygiene articles and products in the categories cosmetics and perfumes, food, household, photo and pet food, dm has a solid track record as a popular drugstore retailer throughout Europe. In addition to well-known brand products, customers will find a large number of dm brands in all product ranges, such as Balea or the best-selling certified natural cosmetics brand alverde. Along with this, dm offers competent and personalised advice provided by qualified consultants as a service that its clientele has come to appreciate. dm works continuously to optimise its processes and to meet its responsibility for sustainable development across Europe.


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Deutschlands beliebtester Drogeriemarkt

dm-drogerie markt wurde 1973 von Prof. Götz W. Werner in Karlsruhe gegründet. Der Einzelhändler ist heute Deutschlands umsatzstärkster Drogeriemarkt mit mehr als 60.300 Mitarbeitern. Insgesamt sind mehr als 12.500 Artikel in den dm-Märkten verfügbar. Das Sortiment des Onlineshops dm.de bietet darüber hinaus in einzelnen Bereichen weitere Produkte und umfasst mehr als 18.000 Artikel. Die dm-Sortimentsbereiche sind: Gesichts- und Körperpflege, Kosmetik und Düfte, Gesundheit und Naturkost, Babynahrung, Babykleidung, Babypflege, Haushalt, Foto, Hygieneartikel, Tiernahrung.

dm-drogerie markt

Am dm-Platz 1
76227 Karlsruhe